Friday, December 7, 2012

New Fall News

Buy one fish get one FREE!

Winter Prep
A well designed pond truly is very low maintenance. This time of year there are a few things to do that can make Spring start up easier and help maintain water quality. An excessive amount of leaf debris can be eliminated with a simple leaf net. Nature's Beauty Watergardens has several sizes available. You can leave your feature running all winter if you don't mind keeping an eye on the water level and topping it off in the cold. Automatic water fill valves will freeze up so they will need to be shut down. If you want to turn off your waterfalls there are a few easy steps . Unplug and disconnect your pump. Store it above freezing in a bucket of water. A bubbler pump placed in the pond will keep an open spot in the ice to allow escape of toxic gasses. If we have a very cold winter a pond heater is helpful as well. Continue to add cold water bacteria to break down debris.

All of the items are available at Nature's Beauty Watergarden shop open Friday and Saturday or call 660-229-3777.  Winter preparation is a service we offer to lessen your fall chore load.

Taking Care of Your Fish and Plants

Our fish and plants go through changes with the weather and could use a little TLC. Nothing big deal. The hardy marginal plants will start looking scraggly like other perennials. You can clip these back just above the water surface in anticipation of next Spring's new growth. Tropical marginals and lilies will usually be finished like annuals are. If you want to try to save these, bring them in before damaging frost. Hardy lilies and lotus are fine if they are planted in the pond or their pots are on the bottom. When you cut your lotus back, cut just above the water's surface.
Your koi and goldfish will be fine outside if your pond is at least two feet deep. You'll want to keep an open spot in the ice with either a bubbler pump, a pond heater or leave the falls running. This will prevent any build up of gases from decaying debris. Cold weather fish food is much healthier for fish now until they go into winter sleep mode.Nature's Beauty Watergardens carries an excellent cold water fish food from Aquascape inc. See video above for more reminders.
The Best Time for Change

We seem to be programmed to think garden changes should wait till Spring. Spring is already such a busy time. For us water garden clean outs keep us busy till June. That being so, now is actually a great time to have Nature's Beauty Watergardens make adjustments to your water feature or add a new water garden. Some customers have us add paver stone patios around their water feature or add a fire pit. As an added bonus Steve is offering to provide $250.00 worth of water plants and/or fish absolutly FREE, if you have a water garden installed this fall. If you prefer a pondless feature you'll receive a FREE light kit installed so you can enjoy your waterfalls at night.

Change is in the air and it is the perfect time to bring change to your surroundings. Call us at 660-229-3777 to get things started!