Thursday, October 27, 2016


Plants-Most hardy waterlilies are beginning to go dormant. As leaves turn yellow and then brown it's good to remove them,(and your marginals too). Leaving them to stay in the pond and just decay can release excessive nutrients (the ones you've been trying to get rid of) that can cause algae problems. Algae can be controlled with algaecides if need be.

Special - 8oz. Algeacide 20% off

Fish  -  If water temp. still warm, Still okay to Feed. Remember though to cut back on the amount of food.  Also, as the temp drops below 65 degrees its good to switch to Cold Water Fish Food. This better prepares Fish for their hybrination. Once water temperture gets below 55 degrees stop feeding your fish alltogther till spring.

Special-Cold Water Fish Food 20% off.

 Ponds  - Netting will help keep leaves out. Our crew preforming many leaf nettings.  Schedule yours now!

7 x 10 net free w/ $25 purchase expires 11/3/16 

Friday, October 21, 2016

Your Pond Needs this Fall

Filtering - As leaves are starting to fall, remember to check your skimmer filters more frequently. Remove the leaves before they release their tannins and stain the water dark. Wash out your brushes or filter mats too. If they get tore up, they should be replaced.
Sale: Filter mats cut to size 20% Off

Keep an eye on your fish as the cooler temperatures will decrease their appetite.  Decrease the amount of food you feed as excess food can decompose causing excess algae and possibly making your fish sick. Consider switching to the cold water fish food which aids the fish in preparing them for winter hibernation.
Sale: Cold Water Fish Food 1.1 lb. size 20% Off

Many of your water plants are preparing for dormancy.  As their leaves turn yellow or brown, try to remove them from the water. Leaving them in to decompose will cause excess nutrients an possibly algea blooms.
Sale: Algeacide 20% Off 8oz. size

sales valid thru 10/23/16
Store Hours: Fri 9-5 Sat 12-5

Friday, October 14, 2016

Your Pond Needs this Fall

Filtering - As leaves are starting to fall, remember to check your skimmer filters more frequently. Remove the leaves before they release their tannins and stain the water dark. Wash out your brushes or filter mats too. If they get tore up, they should be replaced.
Sale: Filter mats cut to size 20% Off

Keep an eye on your fish as the cooler temperatures will decrease their appetite.  Decrease the amount of food you feed as excess food can decompose causing excess algae and possibly making your fish sick. Consider switching to the cold water fish food which aids the fish in preparing them for winter hibernation.
Sale: Cold Water Fish Food 1.1 lb. size 20% Off

Many of your water plants are preparing for dormancy.  As their leaves turn yellow or brown, try to remove them from the water. Leaving them in to decompose will cause excess nutrients an possibly algea blooms.
Sale: Algeacide 20% Off 8oz. size

sales valid thru 10/23/16
Store Hours: Fri 9-5 Sat 12-5