Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Summertime is here!

NBWG Newsletter

372 W College St. Marshall, MO

Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9am-5pm      Saturday 10:30am-5pm        660-229-3777


Remember the times when you would beg your parents for a dog, it was your only wish. You begged and begged but they always said you were not responsible enough to handle the needs of a dog. But finally, after what seemed like years of begging, they bought you a puppy. And then you realized just how much work that puppy really was: bathing, grooming, midnight bathroom breaks, and that dreaded poop scooper. I can tell you from experience, fish are a lot easier than dogs. Koi make the perfect pets. Koi come in a wide variety of bright, vivid colors, often referred to as the prettiest fish for a water garden. They usually grow to 24" or even more! It is also said that each have their own individual personality, truly making superb pets. When you arrive they will swim to the surface of the water, as if they are saying 'feed me, feed me.' Your koi will become the jewel of your water garden!

Special: 20% OFF 6" Standard Fin Koi
while supplies last, expires 06.06.17


With the incredible amount of rain we received May has followed the saying and provided a surplus of flowers. One of such is irises. These gorgeous flowers are the ones you see speckled around your neighborhood. Their are some types that happen to be wonderful water plants. They add to the color and vividness of your water feature. Irises come in a wide variety of colors, one of the most popular being the Black Gamecock Iris, aka a dark purple bloom. 

Special: 25% OFF Black Gamecock Water Iris, any size
while supplies last, expires 06.06.17


As it is now summer, or at least it feels like it is, many of us will be hosting summer barbecues. This means that your back yards will be on display, namely your water features will be  on display. Nothing is worse than having green algae in your water garden for everyone to look at. They want to see your gorgeous koi swimming about in crystal clear water. Benefical  bacteria is a great way to clear up the green water. The problem is how do you get rid of that monstrous string algae? The answer: algaecide. It attacks the algae, leaving you with a clean water garden for everyone to enjoy, even your koi.

Special: 20% OFF Algaecide, any size
while supplies last, expires 06.06.17
Store Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 9 to 5; Sat. 10:30 to 5
372 w. College St. Marshall MO 65340

Friday, May 5, 2017

NBWG Newsletter

Store is now OPEN!!!             372 W College St. Marshall, MO
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9am-5pm      Saturday 10:30am-5pm 

Spring Clean Outs are Happening now


Spring is finally here! It felt like we were going to be stuck in winter forever, but alas it has come. And now is the time to make your water garden to like the jewel it is. The best way to do this is a spring clean out. In a pond clean out we will remove sticks, leaves, dead plant material, thin out excessive water plants, power wash dirt and debris, rinse your water garden clean, clean filters, refill the pond, take care of any discoloration in the water, and your return fish back to their rightful place. We will also start you off with beneficial bacteria and special cold water bacteria to keep your pond looking crystal clear.  Cold water bacteria works most effectively while the water temperatures are still cool (aka this sold mucky weather we are stuck in rn).

Special: 25% OFF Cold Water Bacteria All Sizes
while supplies last, expires 05.10.17



If April showers bring May flowers then May should be an exceptional month.