Thursday, September 12, 2019

End of Season Sale!

NBWG Newsletter

372 W College St. Marshall, MO

Store Hours: Friday 9am-5pm Saturday 12pm-5pm

End of Season Sale: Tropical Water Plants

Ah September-- that perfect time where summer and fall mix. It's just now getting cool enough that you can sit outside without feeling like you've stepped into a sauna but still warm enough that you don't have to bundle up and feel like a snowman. And what better way is there to spend outside than to sit and enjoy your water garden? A water garden that still has color. Tropical plants can provide you with the bright colors and beautiful foliage you long for. Tropical water lilies will continue blooming until the first frost which considering we are still getting some 90 degree days thrown in there I think it can be assumed that won't be happening for awhile. Water lilies are a great way to add some pops of color and shade for your water garden. Stop by NBW to catch our end of season sale!

Special: All Tropical Water Lilies and Marginal Water Plants 1/2 OFF
any size, while supplies last

Yellow is the New Orange

When you think of goldfish what do you picture? For a lot of us we picture an orange comet, the type you would win from the ring toss at the fair, the ones that are always pictured swimming in those iconic goldfish bowls. Here at NBW we offer something a little bit different-- yellow comets. These goldfish are like little rays of sunlight gliding through your water garden or aquarium. They stand out among their peers, adding a unique hue to your pond. 

Food for Thought

Paleo, Keto, Whole30, low carb, AIP, low fat-- the list could go on and on. Whether you follow diets or not, food is an important aspect to all of our lives. When we eat healthy, whole foods that are good for our bodies, we not only look better but we also feel better. The same is true for our beloved fish. They need food that will promote healthy digestion. Many of the fish foods on the market today are made with fillers that are not a part of fish's natural diets. These unhealthy fish foods can harm your fish's liver and cause them to gain a dangerous amount of weight. NBW offers fish food made to keep your fish healthy so that they can just keep swimming.

Special: Aquascape Premium Staple Fish Food 20% Off
any size, expires 09.19.19

Thursday, July 18, 2019

It's the Time of the Season

NBWG Newsletter

372 W College St. Marshall, MO

It's the Time of the Season

July in Missouri is like no other month. With heat indexes of over 110 degrees, crowded swimming pools, and a permanent sunglasses mark, it is officially the time of the season- the hottest days of summer. While we are sweating bullets, don't forget that your fish are facing the heat too! 
As temperatures rise, you may start to notice your fish gasping for air at the top of the water's surface. Aquascape Inc. explains this activity: "Warm water has a low capacity for holding oxygen, while cooler water can hold large amounts of oxygen. As the water becomes warmer, your fish become more active. That increased activity means the fish require more oxygen when less oxygen is available to them." Bacteria and other causes of disease thrive in warm water so if your fish are already weak from a lack of oxygen, they will be more likely to get sick. 
A simple solution is to keep your pond water cool by incorporating plants into your water garden. If one-third to one-half of your water's surface is covered by aquatic plants, your pond water will be able to cool down significantly. Water lilies, mosaic plants, and floating plants, such as the water hyacinth and water lettuce, are all shade providing professionals. 
The pickerel plant can also provide great shade for your fish and add some color to your water garden. Its bright blue-purple blooms stand out against green arrow-shaped leaves. Pickerel plants are known for their filtration abilities- something that comes in handy during the summer months when pollutants are at a high. Come check yours out today at Nature's Beauty Water Gardens!

Friday, June 14, 2019

Summertime Paradise

NBWG Newsletter

372 W College St. Marshall, MO

Tropical Water Lilies are Here! Stop by the store to get yours!


We made it to summer! After surviving the frigid temperatures winter brought and buckets of rain from spring, we are finally here. It is time to kick up your feet and relax to the soothing effects of a waterfall. Not only does it sound like paradise, your water garden can also look like it. Adding plants to your water garden will make your backyard look as though it was clipped straight out of a travel magazine. Water plants do a lot more than add pops of color to your water garden - they also act as a natural filtration system. This filtration is an essential step to balancing your pond's ecosystem and keeping the water crystal clear. Plants filter out nitrogen, ammonia, nitrates, and other minerals that algae feed off of, thus preventing that icky green monster from finding a home in your water garden. Marginals, floating plants, and water lilies all contribute to making your water garden as low maintenance as possible, giving you more time to enjoy your feature's therapeutic abilities. Floating plants and water lilies can also provide shade for your fish, acting as their own personal parasols during the summer months. Your fish will thrive, causing them to be the star of the show. Their bright colors will shine in contrast to the rich greens of your water plants, making your water garden your very own piece of paradise!

Special: 6"-12" Koi Buy 1, Get 1 Free
any size, expires 06.21.19, must mention special at time of purchase

Special: Marginals Buy 1, Get 1 50% off
any size, expires 06.21.19, must mention special at time of purchase