Thursday, August 16, 2018

MO State Fair

NBWG Newsletter

Last Weekend at the State Fair

This is the last weekend of the Missouri State Fair so come by and see us at our booth. We are located at the main gate,  directly in front of the Coliseum. During these last few days of the fair we will be having a special: ALL WATER PLANT 1/2 PRICE!! We also have a display at the Floriculture building, featuring an 8'x11' water garden. Have fun at the state fair and don't forget to stop by and see Steve at our booth! He is available to answer any of your water garden questions and you can even enter a giveaway for a chance to win FREE fish and plants!


Thursday, July 26, 2018

Watch Your Koi Grow!

NBWG Newsletter

372 W College St. Marshall, MO

NEW Summer Store Hours: Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 12pm-5pm  
or by appointment call 660-229-3777


You are at the pound, staring at some scraggly old dogs, until you happen upon an adorable puppy. Automatically your heart is reaching for that puppy. Why? Not only is everything cuter when it is smaller, you also know the joy that can come by watching that puppy grow up into a full grown dog. The same is true for fish. (Just a disclaimer: adopting old scraggly dogs is a very noble act, you are a better human than most of us) Fish are pets too! And watching your fish grow up can be a very special experience that brings joy and satisfaction. Koi happen to have some pretty adorable babies. Is there anything cuter than little 2 inch koi swimming their way through your pond? I think not, well....maybe that puppy at the pound but he's a lot more work. Don't have to potty-train a fish, that's for sure. Koi are a type of carp that have very bright coloring. They are known for their individual personalities, which you will spot while raising them from babies. Koi are also very hardy, making them the perfect fish for you pond. So come to the store and nab your own little babies!

Special: New Baby 2" Koi for $3.95
any size, expires 08.02.18, must mention special at time of purchase


Plants are the secret to making your backyard your own personal oasis. They can add the pop of color your rocks are not bringing to the table. We all know that water lilies makes a beautiful addition to your pond, but what about your stream going into your pond? Water lilies won't fit. Water lettuce would just float into the pond. One plant that is perfect for your stream is the Golden Creeping Jenny. These plants will 'creep' over your stream, forming a mat along the water's edge. They have rounded, butter yellow leaves and will bloom small yellow flowers in the spring and summer. Creeping Jennies only require about an inch of water, thus why they are perfect for your stream. They also provide much needed filtration in your water garden. Pond plants, just like trees, filter out the bad stuff (in the case of your pond: sediment and pollution) and produce oxygen, something your fish will be thanking you for. Pond plants also compete for some of the same nutrients that pesky algae does, causing algae not to grow. Creeping Jennies will do all of these miracles, just at the stream instead of the pond. Come to our store and check out just how amazing Golden Creeping Jennies are!


As aforementioned filtration is a must in water gardens, but you need more than just plants to filter
your water. Having a pond filtration system is one of the most important components to having a healthy ecosystem. According to Aquascape Inc, "An efficient filtration system ensures that the water is oxygenated and pond debris (including leaves, mosquito larvae, floating algae, and anything else that’s blown in) will be swept from the pond’s surface and deposited into an easily emptied skimmer basket. A biological filter provides surface area for beneficial bacteria to colonize and remove excess nutrients from the water. Aquascape BioBalls™ provide a textured surface area (19 square inches per ball) for beneficial bacteria to colonize and grow." If your water garden needs help or you have questions concerning it call Steve at 660-229-3777 or visit the store during our new store hours: Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 12pm-5pm.

Special: 20% Off Aquascape BioBalls™
any size, expires 08.02.18, must mention special at time of purchase

Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Longer the Fin, the More Beautiful the Fish

NBWG Newsletter

372 W College St. Marshall, MO

NEW Summer Store Hours: Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 12pm-5pm  
or by appointment call 660-229-3777


One of the most spectacular features a fish can have is long flowing fins. The longer the fin, the more beautiful the fish. They glide through the water, just like a bride's long veil glides through the aisle. Long finned fish are some of the most sought after in the fish industry, but thankfully you don't have to search far. We now have available Veil-tailed Shubunkins. Shubunkins are a type of comet, or goldfish, that has a calico coloring. Typically the colors are red, black, and a sky blue, making them a bright addition to your pond or aquarium. Shubunkins make wonderful pond fish as they tend to be a more hardy fish. But the most striking feature, by far, is their veil-tails. Their tails will flow through your pond, turning all your other fish green with envy! Come check them out at our store now!


We are still smack dab in the middle of the hottest time of the year. The real misery comes out of Missouri at this time and you aren't the only ones feeling the heat, your fish are too. Just as last week's newsletter pointed out, your fish need shade to survive these boiling temperatures and a great way to do so is with plants. Tropical waterlilies are perhaps the best water plants to provide shade, as they act as your fish's own personal parasol. Right now our waterlilies are getting very large leaves, making them the perfect shade provider. A particularly beautiful tropical waterlily we have in stock is Brazos White. This type of water lily is a night bloomer, meaning its pure white flowers will bloom three hours after sundown and stay open three hours after sunup. This makes Brazos White the perfect water lily for any of you who work all day and don't get home until the evening. Unload the stresses of the day by grabbing a glass of wine and sitting by your water garden, where you will be greeted by a bright white bloom. 

Special: 20% Off Brazos White Tropical Water Lily
any size, expires 07.26.18, must mention special at time of purchase


We all love plants, especially in our water garden, but too much of any good thing can become a bad thing and the same is true for water plants. Plants or even algae can form dams that can divert water, making it go in places you don't want it to. Cleaning off excessive plants or algae may be all that is needed. If your water is going in places your don't want it black waterfall foam can be used to divert the water or keep it from going under rocks or liner. This can be a inexpensive and effective way to move the water where you want it. If you have questions about your water garden call Steve at 660-229-3777 or visit our store during our NEW Summer hours: Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 12pm-5pm.

Special: 20% Off DIY Black Waterfall Foam
any size, expires 07.26.18, must mention special at time of purchase

Thursday, July 12, 2018

The Save Your Fish Campaign

NBWG Newsletter

372 W College St. Marshall, MO

NEW Summer Store Hours: Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 12pm-5pm  
or by appointment call 660-229-3777


Our water gardens, the pride and joy of our yard. The way the crystal clear water cascades over rocks, the peaceful noise of rushing water, your own miniature Niagara, but nothing takes center stage like your fish do. They bring color and life to your water garden. For many people the desire for a water garden sprouted around wanting fish. The most satisfaction comes, not from that cascading water we ooh and ahh over, rather, it comes from watching your fish gleefully swim around those falls. Fish can be very friendly, with each fish having its own individual personality. And, just like humans, their little personalities get even happier the second food is added into the equation. They come in a wide variety of types, colors, and fin patterns. Come and see our complete selection of fish at our store now! 
We are stepping into the dog days of summer, and even though we as Missourians are used to this miserable sticky heat, our fish may not be. We must be very cautious of our fish overheating in this weather. Overheating occurs more commonly in ponds that are located in direct sunlight. If your pond's water temperature is over 80 degrees F your pond is considered "overheated." If this is the case, oxygen depletion is very likely. Because of this risk it is recommended to have at least one, preferably two or more, redundant systems of oxygenation. Your fish will not survive long if the water is not properly aerated and circulated. Even so, an overheated pond has overheated fish and any additional stress could be too much for the fish. To protect your fish from becoming overheated cooling down the water temperature is ideal, and adding shade for your fish is a great way to do so. 

Special: Buy 1 Get 1 Free Comets (orange, white, bronze)
any size, expires 06.19.18, must mention special at time of purchase


Plants not only are a gorgeous addition to any water feature, they also provide shade for your fish, giving them a break from the intense summer sun and cooling them down. Floating plants are a great way to do so. They float on the surface of the water and the roots dangle in the water. Two common floating water plants are water lettuce and water hyacinth, both of which would aid in your quest to keep your fish cool. Waterlilies are another fantastic water plant to provide shade. They are basically your fishes' own personal parasol with their round leaves floating on the water. If your pond is in full sun and is at risk of overheated 70-80% plant coverage is recommended to keep your fish healthy. If your pond is in the shade 50% is good for your fish to survive this heat. To fulfill your own personal save the fish campaign stop into the store and pick up some water plants, your fish will thank you.

Special: 20% Off Waterlilies
any size, expires 06.19.18, must mention special at time of purchase


A beautifully built pond can be the focal point of your yard, but a poorly build one can be the sore point. Does your water garden need a makeover? Does your water garden have the basic elements to create and balance an ecosystem? A water garden needs proper water flow, the right amount of plants, rocks and gravel, the right amount of fish for your sized pond, and proper liner and underlayment. Is your water garden missing these? Need help? Call Steve for a consultation at 660-229-3777 and make your water garden the star of your yard!

Friday, April 27, 2018

Pond Clean Outs Are Here!!

NBWG Newsletter

372 W College St. Marshall, MO

Spring Store Hours: Monday 9am-5pm, Wednesday 9am-5pm, Friday 9am-5pm
                                   and Saturday 12pm-5pm                                 660-229-3777

Pond Clean Outs Getting Started!

Winter has been battling with us for a long time, we are so glad spring is finally here! Pond clean outs are starting now so if you need a pond clean out scheduled, please call Steve at 660-229-3777. A spring clean out is the best way to get your water garden off to a great start for the year. We remove debris and dirty water, trim back water plants that have grown excessively, filters are cleaned and reset, and displaced rocks are put back in place. We also put new fresh water in, along with water conditioner which takes out chlorine, chloramines and heavy metals. All this makes the pond clean and tidy to look at as well as getting a fresh, clean start for your fish.

If you feel you do not need a total spring clean out because you netted your pond last fall and kept most of the debris out of the pond, your fish can still benefit from a partial water change, as well as adding a pond detoxifier and using sludge and filter cleaning beneficial bacteria.  

Special: 20% Off Sludge Cleaner
any size, expires 05.04.18, must mention special at time of purchase

When starting to feed your fish again for the spring,  it is good to use a cold water fish food. 

Special: 20% Off Cold Water Fish Food
any size, expires 05.04.18, must mention special at time of purchase

Remember: as your water plants are breaking dormancy, cut back dead, broken and yellow foliage to tidy up.

For your water garden needs call Steve at 660-229-3777 or visit the store at 372 W College St. Marshall, MO