Thursday, July 12, 2018

The Save Your Fish Campaign

NBWG Newsletter

372 W College St. Marshall, MO

NEW Summer Store Hours: Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 12pm-5pm  
or by appointment call 660-229-3777


Our water gardens, the pride and joy of our yard. The way the crystal clear water cascades over rocks, the peaceful noise of rushing water, your own miniature Niagara, but nothing takes center stage like your fish do. They bring color and life to your water garden. For many people the desire for a water garden sprouted around wanting fish. The most satisfaction comes, not from that cascading water we ooh and ahh over, rather, it comes from watching your fish gleefully swim around those falls. Fish can be very friendly, with each fish having its own individual personality. And, just like humans, their little personalities get even happier the second food is added into the equation. They come in a wide variety of types, colors, and fin patterns. Come and see our complete selection of fish at our store now! 
We are stepping into the dog days of summer, and even though we as Missourians are used to this miserable sticky heat, our fish may not be. We must be very cautious of our fish overheating in this weather. Overheating occurs more commonly in ponds that are located in direct sunlight. If your pond's water temperature is over 80 degrees F your pond is considered "overheated." If this is the case, oxygen depletion is very likely. Because of this risk it is recommended to have at least one, preferably two or more, redundant systems of oxygenation. Your fish will not survive long if the water is not properly aerated and circulated. Even so, an overheated pond has overheated fish and any additional stress could be too much for the fish. To protect your fish from becoming overheated cooling down the water temperature is ideal, and adding shade for your fish is a great way to do so. 

Special: Buy 1 Get 1 Free Comets (orange, white, bronze)
any size, expires 06.19.18, must mention special at time of purchase


Plants not only are a gorgeous addition to any water feature, they also provide shade for your fish, giving them a break from the intense summer sun and cooling them down. Floating plants are a great way to do so. They float on the surface of the water and the roots dangle in the water. Two common floating water plants are water lettuce and water hyacinth, both of which would aid in your quest to keep your fish cool. Waterlilies are another fantastic water plant to provide shade. They are basically your fishes' own personal parasol with their round leaves floating on the water. If your pond is in full sun and is at risk of overheated 70-80% plant coverage is recommended to keep your fish healthy. If your pond is in the shade 50% is good for your fish to survive this heat. To fulfill your own personal save the fish campaign stop into the store and pick up some water plants, your fish will thank you.

Special: 20% Off Waterlilies
any size, expires 06.19.18, must mention special at time of purchase


A beautifully built pond can be the focal point of your yard, but a poorly build one can be the sore point. Does your water garden need a makeover? Does your water garden have the basic elements to create and balance an ecosystem? A water garden needs proper water flow, the right amount of plants, rocks and gravel, the right amount of fish for your sized pond, and proper liner and underlayment. Is your water garden missing these? Need help? Call Steve for a consultation at 660-229-3777 and make your water garden the star of your yard!

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